The right to a speedy trial
that means that the government can't just lock you up forever while 'waiting' to give you a trial
Intellectuals, activists, journalists
Alain Locke
Mary White Ovington
Chandler Owen
A. Philip Randolph
Joel Augustus Rogers
Arturo Schomburg
Walter Francis White
Alfred Lansing Gillenbur
Visual Artists
Charles Alston
Henry Bannarn
Richmond Barthé
Romare Bearden
Leslie Bolling, wood carvings
Miguel Covarrubias, caricaturist
Beauford Delaney
Aaron Douglas
Edwin A. Harleston
Palmer Hayden
Sargent Johnson
William H. Johnson (painter)
Lois Mailou Jones
Jacob Lawrence[1]
Norman Lewis (artist)
Archibald Motley
Augusta Savage
James Van Der Zee
Meta Warrick Fuller
Laura Wheeler Waring
Hale Woodruff
I hope this helps!
It should be the third choice
Persia is the correct answer!