According to the A functionalist perspective on the rise of education , the rise of education only occurs because society needs more people with high education to be able to operate.
But this perspective is overly simplistic.
There are a lot of cases that proof that people without a degree can do a certain task better compared to people with a degree, since expertise tend to be determined by how much time you put on one single thing rather than learning various skills on surface level.
Sharp rise on educational requirements can be explained better if we put industrialization into factor.
HR workers tend to put high education as requirement to help them filter out candidates that they need. They do this to make their job easier rather than having to test all applicants one by one. When this happen, it create a situation where younger generations tend to seek higher education in order to be considered as a candidate rather than focusing on actually having the proper skill set.
geography effects the early settlement because if you lived near a water source, you would be able to grow crops. if the river started running low you had to make sure that you are able to have an irrigation system. Vegetation was very well next to rivers and bank because of all the fertile soil and rich minerals the water left behind. Before the stone age, people were nomads meaning they had to move around. they had to climb over mountains and walk to scorching deserts, and mosses, just to be able to survive. These are some ways geography affected early settlements.
2.They rode in wagons to the West
4.They rode by train to the West.
<u>The way of transportation depends on the time of moving - before 1859. railroads weren't in the construction, and only around the 1870s, the railroad went all the way from East to West.</u>
<u>Before the 1850s, most of the miners and pioneers, especially t the beginning of the wave of moving, used wagons. </u>They carried all the supplies and things in the huge wagons pulled by oxen. Because the wagons were heavy and oxen slow, the moving was slow.
This all changed with the construction of the railroad that helped a lot. In 1895. there were already 5 major railroads operating in Iowa, <u>so if people were living near the train or were moving around this time, they were more likely to use the train to ride to the West.</u>
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter is an American singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, and record producer
In addition to her artistic talent, Beyoncé has a powerful entrepreneur brand that took her to the Fortune’s Most Powerful Women List in 2016.
She had formed Parkwood Entertainment in 2007 and by 2016 had signed the first three female artists. Supporting and investing in women seems to be a constant: that same year WTRMLN WTR, a water start-up founded by women, got investments from Beyoncé.
Beyoncé has branched out into other joint ventures as well by networking with people who she founds inspirational: that same year she started Ivy Park, a clothing brand joint venture with Topshop.
D) Islam but i think they spell it Quran.