Even though synonyms generally share the same meaning, they might not apply in the same context. So, if you want to use one specific word you should do that instead of trying to find a synonym that doesn't quite fit into the context you've established. An example is if you want to use the sentence "I was mad", meaning "I was angry", you could look for a synonym. One synonym is "absurd". However, this is a different type of mad, meaning crazy instead of meaning angry. "I was absurd" has an entirely different meaning than originally intended. This is why you should always double check the contextual meaning of the synonym you want to use.
Okay???? To bad it has to be 20 characters lonf
The theme is that ethnocentric hurdles are a problem Americans faced not only in the past, but still face today. Clifton and Dondre are not allowed to participate in major events with their peers due to the ethnocentric hurdles placed in front of them. For Clifton, this was not being allowed to go to an amusement park on his school trip. For Dondre, this was not being allowed to play in a golf tournament at a golf club that did not allow African Americans. Dondre and Clifton bonded over their shared experiences, and they and their classmates and teammates will be eternally bonded in their efforts to overcome the struggle of inequities that still rear up as the hideous face of hatred and discrimination.