How local land shall be used—for agriculture, recreation, housing, industry, small business, and so on—and the extent to which larger areas or the state should be involved in land-use decision-making is a contentious matter best left to local communities to decide.
D) The decision can affect how effectively or efficiently a society uses its resources and how well it meets the needs and wants of its population.
A is incorrect because the amount of food/services doesn't affect their location.
B is incorrect because people it would not force people to "for the greater good."
C is incorrect because it's not reliable. ( honestly )
Correct Answer: D</h2>
<span>Muslim armies left Spanish land and crops in ruins...
</span>I hope i was able to help, just ask for any farther information or questions!
Swing voters are voters who don´t have a political affiliation or preference for any particular Party. The federal budget is a subject of great importance when it comes to elections, due to the fact that both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have different views regarding how it should be distributed.
Although belonging to the Republican Party, Congressman Paul Ryan supports the increase if government spending and financial deregulation of banks. These are both propositions very similar to the ones his Democratic counterparts state. In the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney aimed to find common ground with these swing voters in order for them to eventually give their vote to him.
"From the mid-1970s there were new claims for the independent invention of iron smelting on central Niger and from 1994–1999 UNESCO funded an initiative "Les Routes du Fer en Afrique/The Iron Routes in Africa" to investigate the origins and spread of iron metallurgy in Africa. This funded both the conference on the early iron in Africa and the Mediterranean and a volume, published by UNESCO, that has generated much controversy because it included only authors sympathetic to the view that iron was independently invented in Africa. Two major reviews of the evidence were published in the mid-2000s. Both authors concluded that there were major technical flaws in each of the studies claiming the independent invention. Three major issues were identified. The first was whether the material dated by radiocarbon was insecure archaeological association with iron-working residues. (Many of the dates from Niger, for example, were on organic matter in potsherds that were lying on the ground surface together with iron objects). The second issue is the possible effect of "old carbon" - wood or charcoal much older than the time at which iron was smelted. This is a particular problem in Niger, where the charred stumps of ancient trees are a potential source of charcoal and have sometimes been misidentified as smelting furnaces. A third issue is the inherent lack of precision of the radiocarbon method itself in the range from 800 to 400 BC, which is attributable to the irregular production of radiocarbon in the upper atmosphere. Unfortunately, most radiocarbon dates for the initial spread of iron metallurgy in sub-Saharan Africa fall within this range."