which class???????????????
Lean means to actually rest your physical wait against something, yet in this sentence it means to depend on someone. If this doesn't make sense listen to to song lean on me and you will understand.
If you have been having trouble understanding what is going on when
you read a book, then it is important to change the way you read a
book. This book should help you practice with a number of strategies as
you read with purpose and become an active reader. To read with a
purpose you will have things to be thinking about as you begin to read
a chapter and activities to do to help you better understand what you
have read. Put together, these activities are useful in helping you
practice, access, and organize information and better understanding
your reading.Explanation:
The description that best defines revisiting when paraphrasing is that we should set the source aside to check if we haven't copied the author's words.
<h3>What is a paraphrase?</h3>
When we paraphrase something, we repeat someone else's ideas using different words. One way to check if we have correctly paraphrased something is by revisiting the original source.
Revisiting means setting the source aside and then checking it again to see if we were able to truly paraphrase the idea, if we haven't just copied the author's words.
Learn more about paraphrase here:
The answer is c, your welcome