The intended audience is all citizens of Westport County, as seen by the first sentence of the third paragraph.
We need water to survive.
If you do not drink water, you suffer from dehydration, and i think u can only survive typically 3 days without any water.
hope this helps
Studying an environmental science degree provides you with a broad understanding of current environmental issues and challenges on a local, national and global scale. You learn about the impact humans have on the environment and how to manage it.
Keep both hands firmly on the wheel when you pass a large vehicle or when a large vehicle passes you. Don't speed up when a semi-truck or other large vehicle is passing you. Instead, stay to the right and slow down slightly.
C. The people felt relief at the end of their journey.
In this context, the sentence in quotation marks means that the people who had just endured a long and dangerous trip across the ocean felt relieved that their travels were over and that they were able to stand on solid ground once again. The sentence is, indeed, a simile, in which something, stepping foot on solid ground, is likened to something else, in this case, breathing fresh air.