The first decision about the fate of the seceded states was on how they should be allowed to become members of the Union once again. Although radical republicans wanted to punish them severely, this wasn't adopted and a decent proposal was made and they all became parts of the union once again without feeling too humiliated.
The second which was about former slaves was about introducing new amendments which would guarantee constitutional rights for not just african-american people, but for anyone with a different skin color. Three amendments were introduced to protect them and numerous acts and laws which were supposed to enforce these amendments.
The two most important decisions that had to be made in this was how the seceded states would be reintegrated back into the Union, and how the rights and freedoms given to the newly freed slaves would be enforced and overseen.
It is important that an individual are aware of the potential hazards and/or risks that maybe involved when making decisions/choices. A workers own personal views and opinions should not influence an individual's choice because this can lead to lack of self-confidence, lack of self-esteem and not being in control.
The Union will have a much much larger army, not only because it did IRL, but a third of the confederate population were slaves and were not allowed to fight, and because there is an almost 20% population gap between the two.