the first picture is for the question 8 , the second picture is for question 9 and there'd picture is for question 7 hope its helpful and good luck.
The Supreme Court case Marbury vs. Madison upheld the following ideas:
1) The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review- This means that the Supreme Court has the ability to interpret the constitution.
2) The Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional- This act gave more power to the Supreme Court than intended by Article III of the US Constitution.
3) The court did not have the power to compel James Madison to deliver the commission to William Marbury. This means that William Marbury would not become a justice of the peace.
Solicit support
Politicians use the internet to connect with their supporters and to get their support. The internet enables politicians to share their ideals with would be supporters and win over their support. This can be through social networking sites and blogs