Slaves were not treated as equals, slaves are already beaten, a man will only pay half the price because the slave isn’t that important, but is still important a bit for the other person to pay half the price, because the slave works and works day and night for their master.that’s all they were considered useful for.
It helped people move and transport goods to other places
Leader Samuel Gompers, admitted only skilled laborers, each field with their own union, focused on bread and butter issues like higher wages, shorter hours, and improved working conditions, and favored collective bargaining.
Desecrate - To destroy or damage offensively a sacred object or thing
tolerance - accepting the different views or beliefs of others
Domestic - any conditions related to the internal affairs of a nation
envoy - an official diplomat or representative of a nation
★ I think the statement is true. The range of different electromagnetic waves is called the electromagnetic span. It is commonly known as the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum consists of all the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation which includes X-rays, radio waves, and light. Regions in the spectrum are named depending on the range of the wavelengths.
Hope you have a great day ;-)