God, Gold, and Glory were three primary reasons for establishing colonies in the new world for Spain. In regards to Florida and New Mexico, they were settled for the purpose of converting the areas and peoples into Catholics. Various churches and religious institutions were bought to these regions for spreading the Catholic faith in the world, which introduced many of the indigenous peoples to Christianity through forced conversions.<span />
The ancient Roman and Greek civilizations had well-organized political processes that greatly influenced the manner in which later governments were structured in Europe and the United States. The system of political parties, the establishment of divisions in government -- even political words such as democracy, monarchy and tyranny -- originated in ancient Rome and Greece. Although Rome drew many of its political principles from the Greeks, and as a result, developed a government similar to that of Greece, there were several differences between the two.
The prior to the French Revolution is where the Third Estate has the most people but the least political power.
C. After the hurricane of 1900, the city of Galveston removed 8 feet of soil to lower its elevation and protect it from future hurricanes.
Increased access to natural resources