<em>Agenda-setting theory</em> is a social science theory which attempts to make predictions regarding the influence of the media. It describes the ability of news media to influence the important topics on the public agenda.
This theory argues that the news media has a great influence on the audience by covering some news more frequently and prominently, thus making the audience think of it as more important.
Nevertheless, news media does not operate within a vacuum. Policy makers and participation of the public have an important role when it comes to the decision of what makes public priorities. Therefore the society is active in building the setting and making a causal relationship with the media which then is reshaping the agenda-setting.
Answer: The intentional infliction of emotional distress has four elements
(1) The defendant must act intentionally or recklessly.
(2) The defendant's conduct must be extreme and outrageous:
(3) The defendants act is the cause of the distress
(4) Plaintiff suffers severe emotional distress as a result of defendant's conduct.
Intentional or reckless act: It is not necessary that an act be intentionally offensive. A reckless disregard for the likelihood of causing emotional distress is sufficient.
Extreme and outrageous conduct:
The conduct must be horrible and beyond the standards of civilized decency or utterly intolerable in a civilized society. Whether the conduct is illegal does not determine whether it meets this standard.
Cause of the distress: The actions of the defendant must have actually caused the plaintiff's emotional distress beyond the bounds of decency.
Plaintiff suffers severe emotional distress as a result of defendant's conduct: This standard is quantified by the intensity, duration, and any physical manifestations of the distress.
The more kids then the more help they got with work. Plus there wasn't any protection back then as we have now
He might have done it to save his people and so that they could fight back after his death and send the people that he sent home during the war to defeat the Persians after his death.
It was born in 1836 that time when the war happened