Homophily (i.e., "love of the same") is the tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others, as in the proverb "birds of a feather flock together". The presence of homophily has been discovered in a vast array of network studies.
He gallantly strode across the gorge, not worried about the big beast coming after him.
Fred assailed Joe.
They were in discord with their neighbors.
Gallantly means: in a brave or heroic manner.
Assailed means: To make a violent attack.
Discord means: A lack of harmony between people, or a disagreement.
book givea us knowledge so it is better than movie
Answer: Cassius actually believes that the Romans are strong.
Cassius actually believes that Caesar wants to be a tyrant.
Cassius actually believes that Caesar does not want to be a tyrant.
Cassius actually believes that Caesar is a victim.