Touching the father’s feet signifies both respect and
authority for him by the devoted son. This show of respect and authority has
been embedded to the son, he stopped touching his father’s feet but he carried
with him the authority and respect he felt for his father even after becoming a
doctor. The devoted son continuously showed his father the respect and
authority and this somehow has taken a toll on their relationship especially
when the father was succumb to sickness. He showed his respect and authority to
his father by ensuring that he lived as long as the son can provide by giving
the father the necessary medications. This displeased the father because he
felt the other way around.
I am pretty sure the answer is 'B' because the sources say that you benefit from playing video games if it is monitored.
When you are working with severely cognitive impairment, many factors need to be considered ranging from physical cares such as avoiding dehydration, malnutrition, falls, injures and medicine to their psychological and emotional wellbeing.
To provide safe and high- quality care to those with severe mental loss, we need to be alert to prevent patients hurting themselves or to avoid hostile atmosphere. Apart from monitoring their physiological needs, we need to provide a warm, bright and nurturing context. Be patient and alert to any complications or adverse events. It is important to listen to previous carers and family to tailor the patient's safe-keeping. Every person is presumed to have capacity until traces of delirium, risk of harm or dementia are noticed. Thus, communication at all times is the key. The unfamiliar atmosphere in a hospital may be overwhelming so you should resource to verbal communication and respect for a person's privacy. Finally, decision-making should be always consulted with the patient's family or legal guardian.