Well, In the beginning His response is not much different, As Grendel only sees Beowulf as an Average citizen. Grendel is not fearful when they first meet, in fact (if i remember correctly) he is excited that Beowulf and his followers had come (So he could have more victims)
It's not until Beowulf Grabs Grendel "By the claws" That he's fearful. once beowulf shows that he's just as strong/maybe stronger Grendel becomes scared and "Wishes he could run away"
Normal Citizens were easy for Grendel to target, and easy victims for Grendel to Slaughter for his enjoyment. Beowulf is was not.
"Today's medical students owe a debt to Dr. Henry Gray"
An independent clause is a part of a sentence that can stand alone and still be a complete sentence. A complete sentence has a subject and a verb.
In the problem, the independent clause is "Today's medical students owe a debt to Dr. Henry Gray". This is because we can take this section of the sentence out of the original and it can still make sense by itself since it has the subject ("students") and the verb ("owe").
The other part of the sentence is a dependent clause because it cannot stand alone: while it does have a verb "is", it does not have a main subject to go with that verb.
Hope this helps!
it--> them
"raisins" is plural, and therefore "they/them" are the correct pronouns. "It" refers to a singular object
The effect of the simile in this passage makes the passage more interesting and gives it that extra "boost" to help the reader understand what is going on.
Hope this helps!
A is the best answer, a visual aid would help most in this situation.