highlight a cell in column A; place your cursor on the border of the cell so it turns into a two sided arrow and drag
apply a filter by age with a value more than 20
First, we must create the spreadsheet with the fields student, age, grade level, major and minor.
For example:
If we want to create a filter, we must mark headings with the left click, then we must go to the tab Home --> at the section Editing, click in Sort & filter then Filter.
We must click in the field Age --> number filters --> greater than 20.
The following are the four difference between the fourth and the fifth generation of the computer that are:
- The fourth generation computer technology is basically based of the microprocessor. On the other hand, the fifth generation computer is based upon the artificial intelligence technology.
- The fourth generation computer system are faster in computation. Whereas, the fifth generation computer are more reliable and faster in speed as compared to all other generations.
- The fifth generation computer are small in the size and more potable as compared to the fourth generation computer system.
- Laptop, notebook and Chromebook are some of the example of fifth generation. Whereas, STAR 100 and IBM 4341 are the example of fourth generation.
A hub can be used to connect multiple computers and networks.