the answer to the first question is: "A tide of darkness seemed to be sweeping her from him. 'Mother!' he cried. 'Darling, sweetheart, wait!'" at least that is what i think.
the answer to question 2 is: Julian helps her, from a sense of obligation, but he treats her rudely at the same time.
and finally the answer to question 3 is: Professor Shlemiel calls himself "forgetful" and says he's always blundering and losing things.
The answer for 1 is C.'''I hate to see you behave like this,' he said. 'Just like a child. I should be able to expect more of you.'''(For sure is correct)
For number 2 is B. Julian helps her, from a sense of obligation, but he treats her rudely at the same time.(Pretty sure is correct)
And lastly number 3 is D. Professor Shlemiel calls himself "forgetful" and says he's always blundering and losing things.(For sure is correct)