It allowed for steel to be produced much more cheaply and efficiently, This made steel more available so enough is produced to build skyscrapers.
The transcontinental railroad was a key role in the industrial revolution because it was the only way for supplies to get from one part of the country to the other. The train was also the fastest mode of transportation at the time so it was also important for travel. I hope this helped.
The user is prompted for input
# the input is assigned to user_tweet
user_tweet = str(input("Enter your tweet here:"))
# if statement to check if LOL is in the user_tweet
if('LOL' in user_tweet):
# If there is LOL in the user_tweet, it display
# LOL means laughing out lous
print("LOL means laughing out loud.")
# if there is no LOL in the user_tweet
# it display "There is no LOL in the tweet
print("There is no LOL in the tweet")
The code is well commented and written in Python.
It prompts the user for tweet, then check if the tweet contains LOL, it there is LOL it displays "LOL means Laughing out loud" else it display "There is no LOL in the tweet".
Ten Hours Act of 1847- This set a 10 hour working day for women and for children younger than 18. Since this included most workers, factory owners extended this to everyone.
Factory Act of 1802-Shortened work hours and Improved conditions for children working in cotton mills