Doc 1. 1917 was a time during war. The US did enter during this time, and also the Industrial revolution was still going. With tenements going up everywhere and factories producing needed products. Many families were poor at the time of this. There were workers needed. And who else than the relatively recently freed blacks (Pardon) as cheap labor for factories. Besides, the south had an unbelievable amount of racism still. The journey up north should've been very freeing.
Doc 2. Remember this was a time when there was still racism. Jim crow laws. The KKK (Klu Klux Klan) black people wanted out and now. There were lynchings. Set massacres. To find work elsewhere other than the literal (Pardon my french) hellhole in the south. To go up north was like heading to the promised land.
Hope this helps. (Now my head hurts from reading, Jk.)
The peasants were frustrated with harsh conditions and the Tsar's apparent lack of interest in helping the poor
After WWI, the Allies made Germany sign the Treaty of Versailles, it was really harsh towards Germany, its destroyed it's economy, its army, and blamed the war on them.
Many Germans, suffering in these conditions, saw Hitler's party as a light, as hope for a better life for them an and their children, because Hitler wanted to restore Germany's glory, and with it, it's economy.
They felt betrayed by everyone, but Hitler was always on their side.
Answer should be B
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