Answer: driving the speed limit
Following the rule of law refers to obeying an actual law that is implemented in a society. Speed limits are actual laws so when we drive the speed limit, we are following the rule of law.
The other options are not correct because they are not based on actual laws. They are simply based on the civil and environmental responsibilities. There is no law for instance, that forces us to vote or to recycle or to get a driver's license (unless you are driving in which case this is a law).
A person accused of a crime has the right to an attorney <span>American legal practices did not come from the Roman Law of Nations.</span>
It about 25% of southern white families owned slave in the year 1840. So the answer in this question is D. 25% The southern white families become slave or owned slaves by the rich and powerful people in the southern in the year 1840. The cruel world in that year in the southern, and they think it become hell because of the slavery they felt.
C. Mongol dynasty that controlled Muscovy.
The Golden horde was founded by Batu Khan who was the eldest son of Chingiz Khan. After his death, it flourished for a century till 1359. At its peak, the territories of the golden horde were from the Urals to the Danube river and included Siberia. The Khanate was full of political turmoil and after the invasion of Timur in 1359 it was broken into Tatar khanates and by 1466 many Turkic-speaking khanates emerged. The remaining khanate of Golden Horde was Crimean Khanate and Kazakh Khanate which lasted till 1783 and 1847.
He arranged for the government to pay off the states war debts, argued to raise revenues through tariffs, and supported a national bank.