Shelter A
Step-by-step explanation:
For Shelter A: the whiskers range from 8 to 30
so, the minimum weight of Shelter A is 8 pounds.
For For Shelter B: the whiskers range from 10 to 28
so, the minimum weight of Shelter B is 10 pounds.
Which animal shelter has the dog that weighs the least?
The answer is: Shelter A
1. Nick was different to Daisy and Tom
because He earns a living. Daisy and Tom are an immensely wealthy couple.
2. Michelle threw her hands up in
Exaltation. Exaltation is defined as extreme happiness
3. Gatsby tells Nick that his family
died and left him a huge amount of money, making him the richest man
When Daisy visited Gatsby, She was surprised that Gatsby was alone. She
was curious why he lives alone in a very big house
5. Gatsby isn’t accepted by the people
with likes of Daisy and Tome because of his “new” money despite the lavish
parties that he threw, people are always spreading gossips and rumors about him
This is colorful .Have a lot of patterns .Might be homemade
local governments consists of municipalities whose objectives are amongst other things.
For local communities to ensure the provision of services to communities and to promote social and economic development
Answer: They obviously do.
Saying, "Oh, I don't really care." Is the same way as saying "Oh, nothings wrong. I'm fine." Stop lying to yourself, you're not fine and you obviously care if you lash out when someone says something you don't agree with.