The correct conjugation of the verb, in each sentence, is:
1. Nosotros <u>repetimos</u>.
2. Yo <u>repito</u>.
3. Julia <u>repite</u>.
4. Sofía y yo <u>repetimos</u>.
5. Él <u>dice</u>.
6. Tú <u>dices</u>.
7. Ellas <u>dicen</u>.
8. Usted <u>dice</u>.
9. Los chicos <u>siguen</u>.
10. Tú <u>sigues</u>.
11. Nosotros <u>seguimos</u>.
12. Usted <u>sigue</u>.
In the text are three verbs which must be conjugated in different forms, for you have the complete information about those conjugations in <em>Present Form</em>, below are the conjugations of those verbs with each personal pronoun:
- Yo <u>repito/digo/sigo</u>.
- Tú <u>repites/dices/sigues</u>.
- Usted <u>repite/dice/sigue</u>.
- Él <u>repite/dice/sigue</u>.
- Ella <u>repite/dice/sigue</u>.
- Ello <u>repite/dice/sigue</u>.
- Nosotros <u>repetimos/decimos/seguimos</u>.
- Ustedes <u>repiten/dicen/siguen</u>.
- Ellos <u>repiten/dicen/siguen</u>.
How you can see, there are some particularities in the conjugations of how the conjugation finished in "o" with the noun "yo" or the conjugation finished in the letters "imos" with the noun "nosotros", <em>learning all these conjugations serve you to improve your Spanis level.</em>