Once upon a time there lived a king who had grown very old.The king had three sons,now he was worried that which of his sons should be his successor.It was very difficult for him to choose the next king among his three sons because he loved them all.
One day a thought came to his mind, he called his sons and said to them,"I am giving each of you one seed,that you will plant in a pot,after sometime I will see that whose plant is the best,the one who will have the most beautiful plant will be the next king".He gave each of them a seed .All his sons went back and planted the seed in the pot.
After few months, two brothers had beautiful plants in their pots with lovely flowers and green leaves,except the youngest one, his pot was plant less although he cared for his seed and pot very well but no plant grew in his pot.When he saw his brothers' plants he became very sad and worried that what would he show to his father. One day the king called all the brothers to show their plants to him. "Look father how beautiful our plants are". Said the sons who had plants in their pots.
King asked the youngest son," Where is your plant?Your pot is empty.", son replied,"My dear father, I am really sorry, I tried my best but no plant grew in my pot".
"No! you should not be sorry" said the king,"because the seeds I gave to you and your brothers were dead and useless, no plant could be grown with the help of those seeds.Your brothers lied to me.When they saw that their plants were not growing, they planted other seeds in their pots.The plants they have are from other seeds. But you were honest and told me the truth, and one of the most important qualities of a king is that he should be honest. So my dear son, you will be the next king".
Moral of the story- Honesty is the best policy.
To answer the question above if what option would Korina choose to earn more income towards the goal of buying a new house after she graduates college; with $12,000 she can start up a small buy and sell business and invest in stock market or mutual funds for passive income monthly/yearly.
I think the answer is a spell checker
Mr Intzy was a mouse when it came to being in front of an audience. (metaphor)
The empty page stared at me, daring me to write on it (personification)
Snip, snip, snip went the barber's scissors (repetition of words)
The hiss of a snake started me. (imitation of sounds)
His head was spinning like a top (simile)