The answer is "PET scan" or "PET-CT".
PET scan or positron emission tomography uses the technology behind conventional CT scans but performs to quantify the function in specific parts of organs (i.e. brain). The patient will be given a positron emitting substance most commonly fluorodeoxyglucose or FDG via intravenous injection. After which, the patient will go to the PET machine and the PET machine will measure the positron emitted throughout the body. Positron is well correlated to the function of a specific part of an organ.
Because when the sale starts invited it starts out as a singular cell, then divide itself into two and it continues to divide itself. So the answer that would make the most sense would be W because it starts out with only two.
50% because they would produce two Rr.
The nitrogen cycle is impacted by humanswhenever fertilizer is applied to farmland to help crops grow. This adds nitrates to the soil. If soil erodes, the nitrates are transported and deposited in the nearest body of water. This can cause algae to overgrow in a process called eutrophication. The lake will run out of oxygen as the algae die off and bacteria begin their decomposition.Sessile organisms are greatly affected.