Simile: Comparing two unlike things using like or as. Ex: He was as fast as a hare.
Metaphor: comparing two unlike things without using like or as... Ex: The class was so boring and slow, i'm practically watching paint dry.
Hyperbole: An over exaggeration. Ex: It's raining cats and dogs outside
In school, we all have that one class that is so slow, that you're watching paint dry, it feels like an eternity. For me, it's [ Class]. When the bell rings, everyone rushes to the door trying to get to lunch or class, but its so hard to get past everyone. It's as if your walking in the same direction a stampede is running from. During the passing period, people chatter to each other, and administrators scowl at students and tell them to go to class. The next class begins and the clock slows down in time. It begins once more, [class]. CRASH! BOOM! Thunder is heard outside and it beings to rain cats and dogs outside as class continues. Just another day in school. Go to class, work, leave after the bell to go to your next class, the bell rings and the cycle continues.