D-Competition among European powers for resources and economic dominance
Seems like an open ended question but I'm going to go with tax breaks for those industries
The correct answer is 4. Proposing a hierarchy of human needs on motivating behavior.
Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who stood out as one of the founders of the humanistic psychology current, this proposes the existence of an innate human tendency for self-actualization, understood as a process that contributes to mental health. Additionally, Maslow's best-known theoretical development is the pyramid of needs, a model that poses a hierarchy of human needs, in which the satisfaction of the most basic or subordinate needs leads to higher needs. Also, according to Maslow, needs that are not met generate an alteration in behavior, also, in this theory Maslow suggests the only needs that are born with the individual are those of the base, that are the physiological needs. So, the correct answer is 4. Proposing a hierarchy of human needs on motivating behavior.