a protagonist is the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.
the main figure or one of the most prominent figures in a real situation.
A suffix ment of nouns, often concrete, denoting an action or resulting state ( abridgment; refreshment), a product ( fragment), or means ( ornament)
Suffix -tion. (non-productive) Used to form nouns meaning "the action of (a verb)" or "the result of (a verb)". Words ending in this suffix are almost always derived from a similar Latin word; a few (eg gumption) are not derived from Latin and are unrelated to any verb.
Answer: memo consists of two parts: the identifying information at the top, and the message itself. At the top, identify for whom the memo has been written, who is sending it, the subject, and the date. The subject line serves as the memo's title.
What is your gender?
let's first look at the case where you are female:
my daughter's mother would then be... just you.
so then you are Theresa's daugher!
if you are male then
your daughter's mother is your wife (let's assume for now)
so Theresa's daughter is your wife,
and Theresa is your mother-in-law and you are her son-in-law.
This is all assuming the "traditional family"; in a non-traditional family you would just be the father of her grandchild, nothing else, and probably she would refer to you just with a name..
It's B. The verb 'tell' is ditransitive, i.e. , it can take both direct/indirect objects.