Evaluate issues based on logic and reason
Critical Thinking is the ability to think scientifically & logically, analysing based on both formers - rather than rule of thumb.
Critical thinker engages clearly in conceptual, rational thinking. So, an important desirable characteristic of a critical thinker is 'evaluating issues based on logic and reason'.
A) Switch
In Java and most programming Languages, A Switch Statement provides a multi branch statements which provides a more flexible way for transfer of execution to the branch that fulfills the condition of the expressed value. This is a better way of handling if...elseif....else statements. In this way, a variable is tested for equality against some values. Variables used in switch expressions can only be primitives (int, byte, char), enums and strings. A switch statement has
1. A default statement (optional), appears at the end of the switch and acts as the else condition.
2. A break statement which terminates the switch when reached.
The syntax of a switch statement is given below:
switch(expression) {
case x:
// code block
case y:
// code block
// code block
No, if we were to make the decimal for angel it would be 0.500 which is more than lance, you can also round them
When the increment or decrement operator is placed before the operand (or to the operand's left), the operator is being used in prefix mode. Postfix mode on the other hand is when the increment or decrement operator is placed after the operand (or to the oper and's right) .
you press the person icon and they get invatation and they accept or they dont