Food plays a major part in affiliating us to our families, our memories, and our cultural identities. It is an "emotion" which represents our historical background, habits, etc. When immigrants move to a different location, they retain their cultural identity through food as it reminds them of their background and family history. We often witness that however, people shift their location yet their feeding habits do not change at once. It remains intact into the very roots of ours and carries a sense of belonging to our culture. If we talk about India which contains a diverse list of cultures, the regions do not define food instead the food represents them. The affiliation of 'Dhokla' to 'Gujarat' or 'Pizza' to 'Italy' exemplifies that the food associates us to our cultural identities and backgrounds. No matter wherever we move in the world, we'll always feel a sensitivity towards our traditional food consequently reminds us of our family and memories as food patterns or habits divides us into distinct cultural groups and it passes on from one generation to other.