Oceanic water have latent heat or special heat capacity.
- As oceans cover nearly 71% of the earth's surface and help in regulating the climate and weather patterns around places. They have specific heat and contain salt contents.
- They trap and absorb the carbon dioxide and thus are called carbon sinks. They take up a large amount of solar energy and heat slowly as compared to the land surfaces.
route to not be a water disaster if the richest man is primitively and jointly of course rain in itself will not immediately solve the problem as the water supplies have shrunk to such an extent that will take a long time for them to be reply insead
Better life
The quality of life is better in Minnesota than Vietnam so that may be a reason why citizens from Vietnam to immigrate or move to Minnesota.
I am absolutely sure that <span>the percent of the Sahara Desert is covered by sand sheets and dunes is definitely 25 %. Even though it might seem weird, it is actually correct and here are the pic from artcicle about Sahara which will pose as a proof : )
Do hope it will help!
it destroyed the villages around it caused fiancee devastation