its either U.A.E or Eygpt. U.A.E is red wich has a very high chance to become desertfication. Eygpt is dry but normaly eygpt is all ready a desert. turkey is low. Alegreia is dry as well but i belive its the same as egypt so U.A.E might be the best
resposta: Aumenta de Norte para Sul, porque os raios solares vão sendo menos oblíquos, e por isso, as regiões do Sul recebem maior radiação solar . OCEANO: Quanto mais próximo menor a radiação solar e a insolação, devido à maior humidade e nebulosidade Aumenta de Noroeste para Sudeste.
espero ter ajudado:)
That religion may not be the end all be all of every scientific question ever posed. What I mean is that religion may not be able to answer every question that comes from the world around us, an example being how religions interpreted the Earth as being the center of everything, when scientifically this is not the case and religions disputed this until they eventually died out or re-evaluated their beliefs.