Along the seabed, anchors from boats often cause damage to the reef.
Based on their experience, the framers shied away from giving any branch of the new government too much power. The separation of powers provides a system of shared power known as Checks and Balances. ... Each of these branches has certain powers, and each of these powers is limited, or checked, by another branch.
The language and tone make it mysterious. It creates a sense of suspense and thrill.
Prometheus was only thinking of the future and was getting things ready for the future. He felt people will be happy if there was fire and asked God for fire.Pandora was a beautiful girl gifted with wisdom, beauty, curiosity and other qualities. She lived happily with Prometheus. But the curiosity in her made her open the box which her father gave her. Out of the box came ugly demons with a rustling sound. They moved around the place creating pain and sorrow to all the people.