They were not being hurt by the workers
The name of this period is the (First) Industrial Revolution. It started in Great Britain in the middle 16th century as it was here where the technological innovations that triggered the whole proccess were started. It lasted until 1820s-1830s in GB but it was also consistently spread to other European countries. Most countries ended up experiencing this same process but at different speeds, depending on the kind of economy they had before.
Less people were required to produce agricultural goods due to new machinery and innovations. These people moved from rural areas to cities where they could find opportunities for different types of unskilled industrial work. Also the craftery was substituted by industrial type of production, where goods were elaborated in chain and such type of production did not require artist skills, but only to understand how the machine worked. This is how all unskilled workers from rural areas could find jobs in the new urban and industrial production system.
Moreover, the whole process was fostered by the great amount of raw materials coming from the colonies that European countries had all over the world and that were transformed into goods in the factories.
Finally, technological innovations go hand in hand with scientific development and to the extension of human knowledge about the world.
Answer: Well He became a leader in the abolitionist movement, which sought to end the practice of slavery, before and during the Civil War. After that conflict and the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, he continued to push for equality and human rights until his death in 1895.Following the Civil War, Douglass remained an active campaigner against slavery and wrote his last autobiography, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. First published in 1881 and revised in 1892, three years before his death, the book covers events both during and after the Civil War.Douglass regarded the Civil War as the fight to end slavery, but like many free blacks he urged President Lincoln to emancipate the slaves as a means of insuring that slavery would never again exist in the United States.
hope this helps have a nice day❤️
Thomas Edison acquired a record number of 1,093 patents (singly or jointly) and was the driving force behind such innovations as the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb and one of the earliest motion picture cameras. He also created the world's first industrial research laboratory.
Adolf Hitler, llamado también Adolfo Hitler en algunos países hispanos (Braunau am Inn, Linz, Alta Austria, Imperio austrohúngaro; 20 de abril de 1889 - Berlín; 30 de abril de 1945), fue un político, militar y dictador alemán de origen austríaco
El Imperio romano (latín: Imperium Romanum) fue el tercer periodo de civilización romana en la Antigüedad clásica, posterior a la República romana y caracterizado por una forma de gobierno autocrática. El nacimiento del Imperio viene precedido por la expansión de su capital, Roma, que extendió su control en torno al mar Mediterráneo. Bajo la etapa imperial los dominios de Roma siguieron aumentando hasta llegar a su máxima extensión durante el reinado de Trajano, momento en que abarcaba desde el océano Atlántico al oeste hasta las orillas del mar Caspio, el mar Rojo y el golfo Pérsico al este, y desde el desierto del Sahara al sur hasta las tierras boscosas a orillas de los ríos Rin y Danubio y la frontera con Caledonia al norte. Su superficie máxima estimada sería de unos 5 millones de km².
Era abril de 1917 y Washington le había declarado la guerra a Alemania, en lo que fue su implicación formal en la Primera Guerra Mundial.
- En fotos: la Primera Guerra Mundial también se combatió con afiches
- Como una estrategia para atraer la atención de futuros soldados, el ilustrador James Montgomery Flagg tuvo la tarea de crear un afiche que fuese lo suficientemente efectivo en su mensaje.
Así fue como dibujó a un hombre canoso, con una larga chiva y el ceño fruncido que apuntaba con el dedo.