Genghis Khan was the ruler who led the Golden Horde on a conquest through Russia, conquering much of it.
B if you take the pay earn it
Powell's Rules for Picking People: Look for intelligence and judgement, and most critically, a capacity to anticipate, to see around corners. Also look for loyalty, integrity, a high energy drive, a balanced ego and the drive to get things done.
These are some of his quotes.
“All work is honorable."
“Control enthusiasm in the face of victories, large or small.”
“Dig up all the information you can, then go with your instincts.”
“Don't be buffaloed by experts and elites."
In The Republic, Plato outlines his view on leadership through a discussion on civic and political life in the Polis, the Grecian city state. Apart from focusing on the meaning of justice, he also develops a framework on the nature of leadership in an ideal state.
Be a “lover of wisdom,” a cardinal virtue
Plato was dissatisfied with rulers who lacked knowledge and moral strength to act according to the common good – in other words, rulers motivated by self-interest were not strong leaders. Plato proposes instead that states should be governed by philosophers and be a lover of wisdom, which is the meaning of the Greek word, philosophia.
What are your political views? i can write it for you if you give me which one
Nationalism is the answer.