The principal goal of the United Nations has
been to promote peaceful solutions to world.
Ellis Island is a symbol of migration
Ellis Island is located in state of New York, city of New York. It was built at the end of 19th century and represents a unique symbol of migration at that time, and later remained a symbol and one of the main tourist attractions in the city. It was open in 1892 to serve as a immigration center and served as such 60 years long, until it closed. There is also a National Museum of Migration on Ellis Island opened for public in 1976.
<em>The Statue of Liberty</em> on Ellis Island is a gift from France to the entire nation of America on the 100th anniversary of independence. Symbolically, it is a salute to migrants who come to settle in United States.
Gideon V Wainwright is the answer.
I believe the answer is fascism