To "scour" means to clear an area or region of enemies or outlaws (i.e. "scour the area for our enemies and make sure they are eliminated). To "search" is to examine an area or region with the intention of locating something or someone. "Scouring" involves locating and eliminating an enemy; to search is to simply locate someone or something.
<span>Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, <span>the correct response would be "Muslim Arabs," since there were constant disputes of boundaries and trade routes during this time. </span></span>
Nationalism helped unite citizens within a certain group(such as common culture or history). However, it can also cause intense competition between nations. Many ethnic groups part of the Ottoman empire wanted to become independent and were successful going about these ways, which divided them.
Of what state is the mentioned county?
Correct answer choice is:
Fighting later resumed in Serbia in 1998.
Dayton Accords was an agreement signed by the presidents of Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia on November 21, 1995. The main purpose of this agreement was to stop the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. But only after a period of three years, the agreement came to an end or it was simply broken and the war was started again in Serbia.