Answer: Americans who lived through the 1960s and 1970s remember the fear associated with a real surge in violent crime. In fact, the violent crime rate increased by 126 percent between 1960 and 1970, and by 64 percent between 1970 and 1980. That increase was already in the pipeline due to increased drug use. Young people commit more crime and demographically there was an explosion with the baby boomers reaching their teenage and adult years for the first time. So, a large population of young people likely led to significant increases.
They had mad settlement houses which helped women and children in poverty, which seems discriminatory to modern people.
11a. Calvin Coolidge
11b. Immigration act
12. ???
13. The Ku Klox Klan (KKK)
14. Peace Process
Calvin Coolidge was the president of the United States from 1923 to 1924. He signed the Immigration act which allowed natives to be born in America. The KKK group started seeing a return in the 1920s. When a country is returning to peace after war, this is known as the peace process.
X = The President
Y = Congress
The Constitution gave the power of the purse, the nation's checkbook, to Congress. The Founders believed that this separation of powers would protect against monarchy and provide an important check on the executive branch.
The President has the power to propose a budget, who still has considerable agenda-setting power with the federal budget and submits a draft budget to Congress at the beginning of every year.
I hope this helps!
Puerto Rico, which became an American protectorate under the Treaty of Paris, was very poor. US troops were welcomed in 1898, and the Puerto Ricans greatest hopes were for increased rights and a better economy.