A. Representation in Congress.
Many thought it would be unfair that state’s with larger populations would have more say than those with little populations
It increased the demand for raw materials.
In the 19th century, the Second Industrial Revolution began, which spread across Europe, the United States, and Japan. The Second Industrial Revolution is marked by several characteristics because it is an important historical moment for the development of the industry, technological advances and increased productivity. In the case of the United States, we witness an increased development, especially the search for raw materials to supply the industrial demand.
They were at the bottom of the social order and were outcasts from society.
Scholars study the bronze export goods that fill shipwrecks from the era.
Scholars have carried out studies that include a report of the 1960 excavation of a Late Bronze Age shipwreck in Gelidonya, that included another publication and a summary of conclusions. Also, there have been other discoveries which include artifacts and took place in Cape Gelidonya from 1987 until 1989, the excavation of another earlier Late Bronze Age shipwreck of Turkey, and the results of modern techniques of analysis performed in laboratories.