The dance squad had eight members when it won the competition.
A relative clause can be used as an adjective or an adverb. Relative clauses must contain both a subject and a verb. They also begin with a relative pronoun (question words and that). The relative clause in the last option is "when it won the competition". It starts with "when" which is a relative pronoun. It describes when the action takes place which makes the entire clause an adverb. It has a subject "it" and a verb "won". Options B and C should be immediately thrown out because they do not have a relative pronoun. Option A does not work because there is no subject after "that".
The character in the part of the book can be described as careless, I did a assignment like this once and that's what I wrote and I passed but it may be different.
"gold and ivory"
The word committees means an economic good. Not only does gold and ivory connects to the definition being riches, but also is being talked about in the small written passage.
According to Call of the Wolf by Jack London, the story is narrated in the third person anonymous narrative and talks about a dog Buck who lived a relatively comfortable life on Judge Millar's estate but is eventually drafted to become part of a team of dogs that pulls sleds.
Buck regains his primal instinct of hunting and scavenging as he is thrust into the wild by his numerous masters.
Therefore, whenever Buck's ancestors are mentioned, it evokes the concept of family.