Answer is A, as many people could be spreading disease
D. Lifetime
Judges hold their seats until they resign, die, or are removed from office.
We are going to discuss about two influential figures of progressive era: Theodore Roosevelt and Jane Addams.
From 1890 until the 1920s, American history witnessed a phase called the progressive period saw a combination of social and political change that aimed to reduce inequality, corruption, and initiate reforms that would make society more equitable.
Theodore Roosevelt served as the president of the United States (1901-09), was a prominent Progressive Period political figure. he was known for his stand against corruption and the control of monopoly of the corporations. In U.S. civil service and industrial sectors, Roosevelt confronted fraud and patronage systems. As President, he has been active in the signing of laws aimed at progressive ideals.
Jane Addams was one of the social reformers during the progressive period with the most influence. She was known for her role as an activist, social worker, and a pioneer in the women's suffrage movement. Her thoughts on concrete changes to strengthen the family, the local communities and the country have been influential. She is regarded as the founder of social work in the United States and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for her work on emphasizing peace and international affairs.
When World War I broke out in Europe, the president Woodrow Wilson follow the policy stated in option B. He declared U.S. Neutrality and the right to trade with both sides.
Keeping in mind that, 1 in every 7 Americans were born in some of the countries at war, the president highly believed that his country must remain neutral. Besides that, by the time the WWI began The United States was in an economic recession, so his government couldn't provide any economic support to the war, and instead decided to focus on selling its goods to France and Britain because they were really interested in American products, and that's why the administration disguised neutral duties in ways that tended to favor the Allies.
Hoy en día, por causa del coronavirus, en muchos países del mundo se están soslayando gran cantidad de derechos civiles con el objetivo de preservar el correcto funcionamiento del sistema sanitario pero sin tener en consideración las cuestiones relativas al ejercicio de esos derechos por parte de los ciudadanos.
Así, en muchos países del mundo la libertad de circulación se ha visto gravemente cercenada, violando incluso preceptos constitucionales que impiden el cercenamiento del derecho a circular y trabajar. Por ejemplo, en Argentina la cuarentena ha hecho que millones de personas no hayan podido trabajar durante mas de dos meses, llevando a la quiebra a muchas pequeñas empresas y elevando notoriamente el desempleo.
Por otra parte, los hospitales han entrado en un estado de saturación, y las autoridades están seleccionando los casos a ser atendidos, dejando de lado cuestiones consideradas menores o no inminentes. Esto es absolutamente violatorio del derecho a la salud, garantizado por gran cantidad de tratados internacionales de derechos humanos.
Incluso, en muchos países han habido detenciones policiales arbitrarias por circulación considerada ilegal, lo cual es contrario a los regímenes de derecho penal ya que se detiene y enjuicia a personas por delitos no legislados.
Como puede verse, es necesario un fuerte control sobre los gobiernos, para que los derechos mencionados sean respetados y no se vulneren las garantías de las que gozan los ciudadanos.