For Odysseus and his men, the loss of Helios, the sun, symbolizes a loss of C. Hope.
In poetry, light ( such as the sun, the moon, candles, stars) often symbolizes good, hope, and freedom.
In the lines <em>"Never the flaming eye of Helios lights on those men at morning, when he climbs the sky of stars, nor in descending earthward out of heaven" </em>the reflected idea is that they do not see the sunrise or sunset anymore, thus they are eventually condemned to a total loss of light, that is to say, hope.
Answer : I believe the answer is A don’t take my word for it ,
Explanation: because it could be B too. In the great Gatsby during their meeting Gatsby was rather nervous when daisy came and didn’t know how to react.. That in fact the even actually turned out to be awkward for both parties.
The correct sentence is:
Individuals who study the brain understand more about how we learn and think.
"who study the brain" is a relative clause which begins with the relative pronoun "who". It refers to the subject of the sentence "individulas".
A biological parent is a parent that one comes from, they are your real parent. An adoptive parent is a parent is a parent that actually takes you from the biological parent because the biological parent wasnt fit to keep you; they are now your parent. Now a foster parent is in between a biological parent and an adoptive parent because they are your guardian for a time but they can give you up at anytime to another person, they are practically like a babysitter until you become adopted. An adoptive parent has to keep you whether they want to or not unless they cant provide for you any longer.