People who could read and write were powerful. ... Sumerians became effective at treating different symptoms and parts of the body.
Look at the chart that I have attached. The low point was between 55 or 60 to 381. When you look at something like Bitcoin, that doesn't look like it was very much, but there are two things that you really have to keep in mind.
1. Most people had only about 10% of the price of the stock covered. What that means is that if a stock cost 100 dollars, most people had only 10 dollars holding it down. The rest was put up by the bank. The market was doing such crazy things that I don't even think the banks checked into your credit. The stock was holding down what you owed. The bank only got its share when you sold. Preposterous!!! It sure was.
2. The second thing is that the numbers I've given you were the Dow Jones Industrial Average. That's the cream of the cream on the NY stock exchange. Who knows what was going on with companies that were not that big. They were what the economic writers would have called "Good Speculations," which translated into "go mortgage your house, sell your furniture, back up the truck (and then sell it too) and buy xzy. You'll never be broke again."
That by the way is why bitcoin and all its relatives is so dangerous.
I think the battle of Plattsburg? Try to get other peoples opinions just in case.
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the segregated facilities were equal in quality – a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal".
Most French Canadians immigrated to Michigan during the 1840-20th century. This chain of heavy migration was due to either economical or political reasons. For example some French Canadian's migrated for political reasons such as; young males trying to escape military enrollment during the 1st World War. Also rebels who participated in the lower Canadian rebellion (1837-1838). Now as to economical reasons, when one's life is miserable and one does not know how to pull out of poverty that person leaves it's environment. In this case, the French populated Saginaw Bay & Keweenaw regions in hopes of a better life and higher pay. Leaving Quebec, due to poverty, overpopulation, debt & infertile soil. In Michigan there was plenty of lumber and mining industry jobs readily available not seeking any or much experience. Some of these even allowing kids to work as well. The French were already experienced as fur traders and lumber workers, the only difficulty to face was the foreign language. Hope this helped & gave you a better idea on why they came to the U.S. :)