If your thoughts lean toward a certain activity then you have an <u>inclination</u> for that activity.
To have an inclination for something means to have a tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way. The root of this word is <em>clin</em>, meaning<em> to lean</em> or <em>to bend.</em> There are many words with a similar meaning, such as <em>disposition,</em> <em>propensity, liking, tendency, affinity</em>, etc. Another common meanings of the word <em>inclination</em> are:
- a deviation from the true vertical or horizontal (a slant);
- an inclined surface (a slope);
- an act of bending, inclining or tilting.
Checked out
Checked out is not domain specific language. When talking about medical visits, checked out is an informal term for having a medical evaluation. A check-up is a routine procedure done yearly that is normally called a physical in the medical field. A fall is a fall. There is no other domain specific vocabulary that can change this. Clinic and injuries are all typical domain specific terms that can be applied in medical situations.
The solution for -5/6 divided by 9/10 is 1/108.
Sample response: The general lesson from the reading is that inventing a useful product takes time and perseverance. You have to experiment, fail, and retry your ideas until you succeed.
Daisy kill myrtle irony of murder inside she is glad