The pace of the text quickens to move the story to its climax, the completion of the windmill.
The pace speeds up here. Starting "By the autumn" shows that the narrator has skipped the daily, weekly or even monthly events until autumn arrives. We know the goal of this skipping is to be able to get to the part about the windmill since it is the last detail mentioned. Also, it says that "the windmill compensate for everything" showing that it is important to the animals. There are no flashbacks or examples of foreshadowing in these passages.
Name: Josh White
Department: Senior High
Description of Report
Location: Back of administrative block
Date: 2nd August 2020
Time: 09:11 am
Incident details: I witnessed an incident that happened yesterday morning in front of my class. I saw a crowd gathered around and I went to have a closer look and know what the commotion was all about.
Behold, it was Sandra Gabriel who happens to be my classmate that was assaulting a frail-looking male junior student and taunting him. I tried to step in and stop the assault but because of the thickness of the crowd, I was unable to, and unfortunately, the crowd was having fun and no one wanted to stop the madness. I was unable to get the name of the junior student that was assaulted.
Carl Sandburg is associated with modernism because of his style. His poetry is based on the use of free verse, which does not use rhyme schemes or metrical structures. The use of free verse did not become fashionable until modern times.
While the groundhog has natural predators like wolves, cougars, coyotes, foxes, bobcats, bears, eagles, and snakes (that will crawl into burrows and eat young groundhogs), their biggest predator is humans and domesticated dogs that hunt them for food and sport.