To add, subtract, multiply or divide the number given to get a whole number or an integer
1. =
2. <
3. <
Step-by-step explanation:
Note: When comparing decimals you always place both decimals right above each other.
1 is equal to because once you put a 0 behind the 2.1 they are both the same.
2.1 <add 0 as space holder
2 is less than because they are both negative you are looking for which one is closest to zero.
-4.5 <add 0 as place holder
-4.25 <closest to zero
3 is less than because
(pie) equals 3.141592654 which is less than 3.2.
3.141 <do not need to add whole decimal
3.2 <add two 0's as a placeholder
There should be a crown that you can press which represents a brainiest
Step-by-step explanation:
we are supposed to explain
Which situation could be solved using the equation 
As we can see in the given equation , one number is -4 and the other number is 4
When we add two number of same value but opposite in sign we get zero.
This equivalent to the real life situation of paying a post paid bills.
Suppose you are using a post paid service , and the bills gets generated at the end of the month.
Suppose the bills amount is $x.
Once you pay that bills , then total outstanding again becomes $0.