A smarter power grid would help resolve power failures. A power grid is a system that produces electricity and moves it where it needs to be when it needs to be there. The US power grid was created in the 1890s. <span>
The collapse of the Indus Valley Civilizations can be attributed to the following factors. One, the trade networks declined and disappeared. This meant less work for traders and manufacturers. Two, changes in geography that caused the rivers to either dry up or change direction Three, the people abandoned the major cities. Four, without trade and access to water, people succumbed to disease and starvation.
spanish had only 2 thinks, get gold and richness and convert natives to christian whiel doing other activities proper of colonialism like send fruits and animals to spain and viceversa or get some slaves
George Perkins Marsh is the correct answer.
George Perkins Marsh was American philologist and diplomat is believed to be the first environmentalist. He recognised the irreversible impact of human actions on the Earth. It is considered to be a precursor to the sustainability concept. He also wrote the book Man and Nature. His book was one of the earliest work of ecology. He argued that humans are secured as long as man manages his resources properly and keeps them in good condition as resource scarcity can affect environmental equilibrium.