The correct union of sentences between the English and Spanish form is:
<em>¿Se siente mejor?
d) Does he feel better?
<em>¿Se sintieron mejor?
c) Did they feel better?
<em>Me sentía mejor.
b) I was feeling better.
<em>Nosotros nos sentimos bien.
a) We are feeling well.
Since the <u>present and past tense</u> of the verb <em>"sentir,"</em> is used within the sentences, we will first see the different conjugations depending on the object pronoun used:
<u>Object pronoun + Verb </u><em><u>"sentir"</u></em><u> in Present / Verb </u><em><u>"sentir"</u></em><u> in preterite.</u>
Me siento/<u>sentía</u>.
Te sientes/sentías.
Se <u>siente</u>/sentían.
Se sienten/<u>sintieron</u>.
Nos <u>sentimos</u>/sentíamos.
Seeing the pronoun object used in each of the sentences, the correct conjugation can be identified, as long as the applicable tense is recognized.
A -el paramédico (paramedic) B - técnico de radiografía (x ray tech) C - el hospital D - el enfermo (ill person) or el paciente (patient) E - la cirugía (surgery) F - enfermo (ill) G - dolor (pain) H - la enfermera (nurse) I - el rayo x (x ray) J - el enyesado (cast)