From this passage you can tell that life for the Indians must have met moving from their homes to said districts which id much diffrent from their past lifestyles. Since they (the Indians) were used to open lands and lots of space forcing them into small lands close to other tribes could lead to several disputes. As for the Americans it is obvious that they want to expand their reach outward across the country into Indian territory which could lead to several disputes among Indians and Settlers.
In order for the states to receive an amendment for consideration, 2/3rd majority of each House of Congress has to approve it.
Amendment to the constitution is only happened a few times in the history of the United States. In more than 200 years of history, the constitution has only been amended 33 times.
The first time Amendment was completed in December 15, 1791 and the latest one was completed in July 1, 1971.
The reason why there have been so few amendments is because 2/3rds of both houses of congress have to agree and vote in favor of these.
This is no easy task but this is precisely what makes the whole process worthwhile and keeps it in check.
Jarred Diamonds search began in USA