The dependent clause always has a subject and a verb. However, the clause can't stand by itself because its not a complete thought.
Conjunctions can be remembered as FANBOYS- For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. They always connect two independent clauses and all have less than 4 letters.
Go to the 'Help' option at the bottom of their site, and click on the 'contact us' option under it. It will take you to a page where you can message them and get this issue solved.
You can go on their website, <em></em> and notify them of this problem. I'm sure under the option for 'Help' there is a 'contact us' at the bottom of the site.
You can send them a message through this option, and they'll get back to you on how to and help you resolve the problem. Thank you.
Bacon lists Cupid's attributes in order to show that Cupid is real.
Lincoln talked about how each side asked for the help of god (the south asking to help keep slavery and the north to abolish it)
After going through the poem, we can easily interpret what the poet wants to convey. However, we are given several options to choose from. The imagery utilized by the poet affects the readers in the following ways:
Opt 1- It definitely creates a visual of the skinny man.
Opt 2- It also conveys sounds to create a more engaging frame for the reader.
Opt 3- These imagery elaborates the actions done by the boy.
Opt 5- Following this, the imagery boosts the readers to care for the character.