Sumerian villages grew
Nomads moved into the fertile land and began to form small villages which slowly grew into large towns. Eventually these cities developed into the civilization of the Sumer. This land is often called the "Cradle of Civilization". As the Sumerian villages grew into large cities, they formed city-states.
Strengths: Persistent, persuasive, courageous, and a strong fighter. Weaknesses/Flaws: Can be a bit deceptive, like Hermes himself. Parents of Perseus Danaë and Zeus, who appeared to her as a shower of gold
A the equal protection clause in the 14 amendment
Myers-Briggs test perspective, an individual’s personality can be best
illustrated by the different combinations of the four preferences: Extraversion
and Introversion, Sensing and Intuition, Thinking and Feeling, Judging and
is focused on our environment while Introversion is dealing with our minds.
gets data through the senses while Intuitive preference interprets these raw
data to further his understanding.
is making decisions with logic and reason while Feeling decides on their value,
beliefs and morales.
is more being order and neat while Perceiving is on spontaneity and open-mindedness.</span>
If you want to shorten it it would be best to do WWII, how ever if it is a formal essay you should just spell it out.