B realistic fiction is when it’s a made up story but it could have happened in real life
When Piggy shrilly complains about the hunters' immaturity, Jack slaps him hard, breaking one of the lenses of his glasses. Jack taunts Piggy by mimicking his whining voice. Ralph and Jack have a heated conversation.
Here, Jack, feeling frustrated by his power struggle with Ralph, takes it out on Piggy, breaking one of the lenses of Piggy's glasses. This assault symbolizes savagery and lawlessness attacking order, intellect, and civilization.
There is "The cabuliwallah" and its not a thing its more so a story about a young girl and a itinerant peddler told by the young girls father.
Rising action of "The Meet" by Madelyn Srin denote Readers meet the character and become acquainted
can you comment the rest of the paragraph under this answer? i think you forgot it...